如果刚刚接触SkinSoul这个品牌, 我可以建议大家先不妨一试
SkinSoul SkinShield Travelling Set.
整套是有日用和夜用的5支装, 点击这里到官方网站看看产品详细资料吧.
左起: 分别有30ml的洁面霜和爽肤水, 以及10ml的12合1防晒日霜,
洁面霜 - > 爽肤水 - > 精华素 - > 晚霜

看起来黄黄的洁面霜, 倒在手上是透明的
清洗时, 洁面霜是有带泡沫的.
一般的认知, 有泡沫的洁面霜是只适合油性皮肤,
属于中性皮肤的我, 以为用了是会觉得干.
且出乎意料的, 我洗了后,
并不会觉得皮肤紧绷, 而且觉得挺清爽的感觉. (*^__^*)
洁面后, 就要拍上爽肤水咯!! 也是透明色的.
我的习惯是挤出以上份量, 然后再平均地把防晒日霜分别"点"在脸的局部,
如上图, 然后再晕开来.
简单快速, 再化些基本淡妆就可以出门咯(*^__^*)
那么到了晚上, 一样的, 用了洁面霜和爽肤水, 再上精华素
精华素的颜色是带黄的, 分子是很细的, 质感薄薄的, 一搽在脸上很快被吸收.
晚霜也是暗黄的颜色, 质感厚一些.
试用这套一星期后, 我挺钟意洁面霜和12合1防晒日霜. 尤其是后者,
平时工作时, 我是都有上防晒乳, 而我现在用的防晒乳牌子是从2012年开始用起, 屈指一算, 也有3年了. 一直不敢换牌子的原因是太适合我了!! 上个星期开始试用这12合1防晒乳, 感觉上和自己现有牌子很接近, 没有不适合, 但最重要的是, 同事Caryln说SkinSoul的比较好看, 因为有带亮和有"水光"的感觉, 加上现在流行"水光"的样子!! 而且有顾客赞我的脸看起来很亮很漂亮♪(^∇^*) 女人就是爱美和喜欢被赞的啦!! 哈哈!! 看来我又要计划转牌子了!!
猜猜看那一张是用12合1防晒日霜 ^^
是右边那一张咯 (*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
之前博文提过, SkinSoul为Midvalley新开了第一间旗舰店都有做一些优惠. 现在看到这博文的朋友们, 可以以优惠价RM388 (原价RM495.50) 购得SkinSoul SkinShield Travelling Set. 这样就有机会试试看这个牌子是否适合自己.
如果真的是购买了, 记得向产品顾问索取免费价值RM100的美肤产品哦!! 因为现在的另一个优惠就是, 只要大家到店内消费满RM100以上,再告诉产品顾问我的专属编号:#ssssylvia, 就可以免费得价值RM100以上的美肤产品了!!♪(^∇^*)
担心会忘了编号!?没关系, 你可以把我的照片下载下来还是Print Screen收着,
然后再展示给产品顾问就可以了。要快哦, 产品送完为止 ^^
SkinSoul Boutique
Level LG 077
03-2201 9299
Online Shopping Store: www.drjoslab.com
I suppose to join this review but when I look at the dateline...mmmmm it doesn't suit me. I was thinking to do the review for my Japan trip traveling next month but timing given for review so out. I love their facial wet tissue. Good product I could say.
May be you can write about after you back from Japan ya. ^^
DeleteIm bringing this set to Korea with me. Conveniently packed in a travel set to bring around. Your skin looks very protected with the sunscreen btw :)
ReplyDeleteYa, it is convenient and not so heavy!! Wait for your Korea Trip blog ya, enjoy!! ^^
Delete嗯,我也刚刚拿到这个产品。嘻嘻 看到你用到挺不错的哦!谢谢分享!
ReplyDelete是啊, 我现在大爱洁面霜和12in1 Suncare Day Dream (*^__^*)
DeleteI'm trying out this as well.. Great product!~
ReplyDeleteYa, agree!! The products is good indeed.
DeleteYour face is better than before O.O Good, it is suitable for the lady travelers!
ya, this brand made my face looked more shine ^_^
Deleteeverytime i come into your blog, i see your pretty face. :D
ReplyDeletethanks for sharing another nice product
Hahaha, thanks for visiting!! I like selfie... lol
DeleteSlyvia, sui wor....hahaha XD
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing but 男的没份....
丰大哥!! 你也可以试试看的 ^^
Deletehahaha..wait until I got gf then buy for her...Not selling in Sg if not can help to promote this brand....男的通常都不擦的!
Deleteoooo!! You new girl friend!! You can buy through online ya: http://www.drjoslab.com/
DeleteHmm interesting brand especially the day cream with 12 benefits! Nice review dear
Ya, the 12 in 1 suncare day cream really nice to use!!
DeleteYa, the day cream really good!! I start apply every day!!
ReplyDeleteYour face looks brighter with the day cream though. Looks like it's suitable for your skin :)
ReplyDeleteYa, you are right, this brand made my face looks more bright and shine!! ^^ Very suitable for me ^^
DeleteYour skin looks glowy after the sunscreen! It seems like it can substitute make up to me already haha
ReplyDeleteYa, for my daily make up during working, I apply this will be good enough. ^^
DeleteI wish I could read chinese. Other than that cool blog.
ReplyDeleteYou can use the translation bar at the top right corner. Anyway, thanks for visiting ^^
DeleteWow you have flawless skin, lovely pictures and products there :)
I love my skin and products as well ^^
Deletewhy is there no english translation? lolll Suncare day cream is tinted? Nice! I've used a tinted sunblock before and really liked it
ReplyDeleteIs it? Let me check out the translation bar. The suncare day cream really good!!
Delete它的day cream很不错下。不过我现在home based,所以很少出门。每天搽了,没出门好像很浪费。哈哈。
ReplyDelete对啊, 很不错. 那你就去旅行的时候才用吧^^
Deletei need a day cream too. one with good sun protection like this. will definitely check them out.
ReplyDeleteYa, you can go to their website and online shopping store to have a look ^^
Online Shopping Store: www.drjoslab.com
Nice review babe!! I was really busy with all my pending post and skinsoul post too TT hehe
lol... So gotta keep it up!! The products very good to use. ^^
Deleteim still trying this out too, hopefully can look as radiant as you in the pics
ReplyDeleteYa, is it really good!!
DeleteThx for introducing SkinSoul! Protect your skin from excessive sun exposure.
ReplyDeleteYes, you are right!
Deletemy favorite will be the day cream as well! Can't wait to to try! Thanks for the review dear :)
ReplyDeleteYa, go a head to try it out!! You will Love It!!
ReplyDelete是啊, 真的很不错 ^^
DeleteThanks for sharing! Like the comparison! Too bad I already using other brand, hehe
ReplyDeleteYou can try it out if you are thinking to change brand ^^
那就赶快用吧 ^^